The Frequency Of Escherichia Coll 0157:H7 Organisms in Stool Cultures From Konya Region


  • Year : 1995
  • Vol : 11
  • No : 2-3-4
  •  Page : 221-223
Escheria coli serotype 0157:H7 is a recently re-cognized human pathogen associated with he-morrhagic colitis, hemolytic uremic syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. Sorbitol Mac Conkey Agar Medium (SMAC) permitted ready re-cognition of E. Coll 0157:H7 in stool cultures. In this study the frequency of non sorbitol fer-menting organisms was investiageted in 919 stool cultures by using Sorhitol Mac Conkey Agar (SMAC) medium. 15 (1 .6%) Non sorbitol fermenting strains were isolated. 0157:H7 species could not be isolated. The other nonsorhitol fermenting colonies were 8(0.8%) non group E. coli 0157:H7, 6(0.6%). Proteus spp 1(0_1%) Pseudomonas spp.
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The Frequency Of Escherichia Coll 0157:H7 Organisms in Stool Cultures From Konya Region
, Vol. 11 (2-3-4)
Received : 15.10.1995, Accepted : 15.10.1995, Published Online : 15.10.2020
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